Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spring time?

This time of year finds me in a bit of a panic. There is excitement starting to percolate for spring and summer, and then anxiety about running out of time to make work. Winter has been a great time to dig in and devote ourselves to blowing glass. We are making work that we are really excited about....and there is still more time before weather starts to heat up, getting too sweaty and uncomfortable to blow glass, and we turn the studio off for the season.  I really shouldn't panic.  We still have mud season on the horizon and as I write there is a fresh dusting of snow everywhere....

1 comment:

Sharon Lovejoy said...

I was so happy to meet your friend Jason at the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show! He spoke highly of you and I loved the big star lights you created for his garden. Lovely, playful, and inspired.

We live in South Bristol, Maine from June through October. Maybe we'll run into each other.

Oh, we linked to your site on my new posting about the Flower and Garden Show. See it at

Keep up your great work. I'll add you to my blog list.


Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island